Politico trying to make lemonade out of Empty Chair lemon
Too funny, and of course not a bit surprising: Politico is well known as the Washington Post’s overt political arm...
Call the Waaaambulance! Rising sea levels not funny!
This just in! The mainstream and unbiased scholars at MSNBC/MSLSD are not amused. Republicans don’t believe in the Global Warming...
The Kept Media, hurricanes, and the wine in front of me
I’m just trying to keep straight what Pravda expects from presidents, presidential candidates, major party decision-makers, and major party chairmen...
I knew it: Macho Bambi can’t play basketball either
Some headlines make you just laugh out loud, like this suffocating puff piece on the CNN Politics website titled “Reggie...
Conservatives know how to vote multiple times too
We know that Democrats know how to vote multiple times. Lordy Lordy, do we ever know it: dead Democrats vote...
Not My President, part 6 of 50: murdering live-born babies
It occurs to me that I had better hurry up with this series; this guy is not going to be...
Joe Biden: dumber than a bag of hammers
Now that Paul Ryan is the VP pick (a thousand reasons why that is a good pick) the Leftist Media,...
Cruz 56-44, TP to GOP Establishment: It’s on like Donkey Kong
Shut up and get in line. Remember in early-mid 2008 as the Republican Party rallied behind the biggest backstabber in...
London Games $1 billion security pricetag : everybody knows why
To date, the London Olympics pricetag is about $17B. The security pricetag alone is approaching $1B (currently $855M), and the...
1776 – their vision is alive and well in 2012
I know what the current times look like. I know, brother, I know. I am firmly ensconced in the “the...