The Kraken

The Kraken is a famous and formidable figure throughout human history. Once thought to be a mythical sea beast, he was conveniently blamed for various disasters. To name a few:

  • the sinking of Atlantis
  • the fall of the Roman Empire
  • Christopher Columbus discovering the wrong Indians
  • the eruption of Krakatoa (one must admit the eerie name resemblance)
  • Little Big Horn
  • the Great Depression
  • Pearl Harbor
  • the failure of Obama’s Porkulus™ to revive the economy and reduce unemployment

Great mysteries all, I must admit. Therefore, the mythical Kraken was a convenient scapegoat for many such unfortunate events. Then a strange thing happened. The Kraken turned up. For real.

In recent times, scientists now have fully documented the dimensions and characteristics of the Kraken. His powers are indeed terrifying. The legends, if anything, failed to do him justice.

As any imposing figure might, the Kraken appears in many historical references; in modern times, books, epic poetry, and movies veritably teem with Kraken references. And who can blame politicians, authors, and actors for embracing the power of the kraken? Here are just a few references.

Epic Poetry:

  • The Iliad and the Kraken – Homer, circa 800 BC
  • I Sing the Kraken Electric – Walt Whitman, 1900
  • Beokraken – author unknown, Nowell Codex dated circa 1000


  • Ho ho ho and a bottle of Kraken – unknown sailor chant
  • Give me Kraken or give me death – Patrick Henry, 1775
  • Ask not what your Kraken can do for you; ask what you can do for your Kraken – John Kennedy, 1961
  • A doctor playing golf? Boy howdy, now I’ve heard everything. What’s next, a Kraken eating a ship? Cop eating a donut? – Sawyer from Lost, 2004


  • The Maltese Kraken – 1941
  • The Angel and the Kraken – 1947
  • The Kraken and I – 1956
  • My Kraken Vinny – 1992
  • The Princess Kraken – 1987

We here at PetesWorld celebrate our association with the Kraken.

Happy Birthday, Kraken!

Make no mistake, dear reader. Me and the Kraken, we are tight. We are as one. You mess with him, you mess with me. One last Kraken meditation, and it comes from John Donne in 1624:

And therefore never send to know for whom the Kraken tolls; It tolls for thee.
