Overnite Pete

Overnite Pete: sore loser? You better know it.

OK, it’s now a good month after that caca burger of a stolen election that now makes the end of free America unavoidable, and perhaps now I can speak of it without daisy-chained expletive-riddled sailor-speak.

Well, probably not, on the avoiding cursing thing. Well, just excuse the [s-bomb] out of me for not accepting this. There is no question whatsoever that had registering, voting, and counting been done according to law, more electoral votes would have gone to Romney than to the no-good [b-bomb] who now [s-bomb] in the White House.

But the election was stolen, it was obviously stolen. Folks dare not speak of it out loud, but it was done. And now you can kiss America goodbye. Sorry to be a grumpy cat, but there it is. There is no tomorrow, and there [d-bomb] sure will never be another free election in the United States. 2010 was the last one.

Democrats are, by definition, thieves. If you are one or voted for one in 2012, you are either supremely evil or supremely stupid. Maybe both. Either way, you ain’t a patriot, and you ain’t a countryman of mine.

Hi, I’m pete

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